Try chair Pilates for better core strength - and less lower back pain
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One of the most interesting trends out there in Pilates training these days is the so-called “Chair Pilates.” If you’ve only ever done a Pilates mat work out, you may be thinking “how?”
Well, the answer is that it’s actually one of the first and original equipment-assisted ways developed for doing Pilates.
So, why do it?
Chair Pilates is a great way to strengthen your core while rolling in Pilates-inspired activities and movements as you sit in a chair. That means it’s very effective when done properly for people with disabilities, seniors who want to stay in shape and just about anyone who wants a great workout (that can also help reduce lower back pain too!).
Easy, right?
Well, easy to imagine, but good and strenuous in practice. Take a look at this free video I produced to demonstrate the practice and effectiveness of chair Pilates for your mobility:
In practice, chair Pilates can help with a wide variety of rehabilitations necessary due to injury and disability.
It can also help improve your upper body strength as well as balance muscle tone across both sides of your body. The impact of chair Pilates on your core strength can also be of great help to those suffering from many types of lower back pain.
Give it a try today. Grab a chair, then Just click on the video above. These and other chair-based workouts are included in my Chair Pilates video subscription. Subscribe and check back often for new workouts!
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